Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Well everybody, its Halloween, and I thought I would just take a moment to wish everyone well on this holiest of holidays. I mean who can't get behind a holiday devoted to costumes and candy. I'm still waiting for some hype-based stories from my compatriots here (I'm talking to you Avenger), but in the mean time, I thought I would ask the Den how they feel about the upcoming Gears of War. Obviously there is no question that the game has been at the center of a massive Microsoft marketing campaign for some time, but even though I'm excited about its release, I'm just not sure what to expect. Very little has been made about the plot, the gameplay, the music, or anything else. If anything the marketing for Gears has been based solely on how cool the visuals look. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm curious if anyone else in the Den shares my reservations.

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