Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Preordered Lost Planet and Rogue Galaxy today. I already know Lost Planet is going to be awesome and I trust Level 5 pretty implicitly at this point (Dark Cloud 2 was great). I just hope I manage to get one of those little vital suits with my preorder. I'd love to have one of those on my desk at work.

As a note, can someone explain to me why EB/Gamestop employees insist on trying to get me to preorder stuff that doesn't even have a confirmed release date yet? The guy tried to get me to preorder Mass Effect or Bioshock. At the earliest those are what? Fall? I'm pretty sure they're not about to run out just yet.

I just don't get it, so if someone could explain, please go ahead...

1 comment:

gatchew said...

Hi guys, Hope I have the right web site (you're father gave it to me) Miss you all. I'll tell Dan where to find you.Hope to see you all soon. Love Aunt MaryBeth